Sunday, November 24, 2013

Caveat Emptor

          "How cool," K and I said to each other when we first looked at the mechanicals of the house we ended up buying. "They are using an on-demand water heater for the entire house hot-water heating system. How green. How economical."

          How wrong. Well, maybe it works in California or Florida, but here where the winters consist of actual Cold Weather, the on-demand system for heating the house works only when supplemented by a couple of space heaters per room.

          So, not very green. Not very economical. And not very warm.

          December 2 is the day we are looking forward to now. On December 2 (O blessed day!) we will get your standard boiler hot water heating system. By December 3, we should be completely thawed out.

I thought this Roman fountain made to look like a satyr, maybe, with a drippy nose was
hugely funny when I photographed it. Now, I am feeling the drippy-nosed satyr's pain.

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